What is Umrah?
Umrah literally means "to visit, to make a visitation." In Islam, visits to the holy lands outside the Hajj season are called Umrah. A person who performs Umrah is called "Mu'tamir."
Ruling on Umrah
According to the Hanafi and Maliki schools, Umrah is a confirmed Sunnah (Sunnah Mu'akkadah). According to Imam Shafi'i, it is obligatory (Fard al-Ayn) to perform it once in a lifetime. Fard al-Ayn refers to an obligation that must be fulfilled personally by every capable Muslim. According to the Hanbali school, Umrah is considered an immediate obligation.
Time of Umrah
Umrah can be performed at any time throughout the year except on the Day of Arafah and the four days of Eid al-Adha. During the year, the Umrah season typically begins in September and ends with the Shawwal Umrah. The quietest periods are October-November, while the busiest period is during Ramadan. Ramadan Umrah is considered the most virtuous.
Virtue of Umrah
Until the Day of Judgment, those who visit the Kaaba are responding to Prophet Ibrahim's [peace be upon him] call with "Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk!" These are the chosen servants whom Allah [Glorified and Exalted be He] loves.
Our Prophet [peace be upon him] said:
"The pilgrims performing Hajj and Umrah are Allah's guests and visitors. If they ask Him, He gives them, if they seek His forgiveness, He forgives them, if they supplicate to Him, He answers their prayers, and if they intercede, their intercession is accepted." [Ibn Majah; Ibn Hibban; Bayhaqi]
Preparation for Umrah
Spiritual Preparation
Preparation for Umrah journeys should be two-fold. The first is spiritual preparation, and the second is material preparation. In terms of spiritual preparation, it is very important for a person to be spiritually ready for this blessed journey. Because an Umrah journey is not an ordinary trip. This sacred journey involves being a guest at the Kaaba, which Allah calls His house, and appearing before Prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him].
The fatigue and hardship of Hajj and Umrah journeys are significant. No other act of worship involves this much fatigue, hardship, and trial. These acts of worship are essentially about struggling with one's self. For this reason, Hajj and Umrah have been described as the most virtuous form of jihad.
Administrative and Practical Preparations
Just as spiritual preparation is necessary for Umrah, material preparation is also required. Particularly since evenings in Medina can be cool, it's beneficial to pack a few long-sleeved garments in your suitcase.
- Complete passport and visa procedures
- Get health check-ups and necessary vaccinations
- Obtain travel insurance
- Prepare ihram and other necessary items
- Choose a reliable Umrah organization company
- Pack important medications and documents in carry-on luggage
- Pack sufficient clothing and necessary items
Ihram and Tawaf
Entering Ihram
Ihram literally means "to make forbidden." This means that certain behaviors and actions that are not normally prohibited become forbidden while in ihram. The manner of entering ihram differs for men and women. Men remove all their clothing, including underwear, and wrap themselves in the ihram garments like a shroud. However, women's regular clothes are considered their ihram garments.
Prohibitions During Ihram
- Using offensive or hurtful speech
- Engaging in disputes or arguments
- Intimate relations with spouse
- Picking or cutting plants
- Hunting animals
- Cutting hair or beard
- Cutting nails
- Using perfume
- Men covering their heads, women covering their faces
Tawaf Ritual
In the universe, everything from the smallest atomic particles to the largest galaxies follows a divine order. From this perspective, Tawaf is like a cross-section of creation and our existence. Tawaf is about affirming Allah's wisdom and power and submitting to Him.
Tawaf involves circling the Holy Kaaba seven times, starting from the Black Stone (Hajar al-Aswad). During Tawaf, the Kaaba should be on your left side, and each complete circuit is called a shawt.
Sa'i Ritual
Sa'i is one of the obligations of Umrah, involving walking between the hills of Safa and Marwa seven times (7 shawts). Upon reaching Safa hill, one should make the intention: "O Allah, I intend to perform Sa'i for Umrah for Your pleasure. Make it easy for me and accept it from me."
When Prophet Ibrahim [peace be upon him] left his wife Hajar and son Ismail [peace be upon him] at the location of the Kaaba by Allah's command, Hajar made four trips from Safa to Marwa and three trips from Marwa to Safa, totaling seven journeys between these hills in search of water.
Places to Visit
Places to Visit in Makkah
Nearby Visits
- Masjid al-Haram and the Holy Kaaba
- Birthplace of Prophet Muhammad
- Masjid ash-Shajarah
- Masjid al-Jinn
- Jannat al-Mu'alla
Distant (General) Visits
- Mount Thawr
- Mount Hira
- Arafat (Jabal ar-Rahmah)
- Muzdalifah and Mina
Places to Visit in Medina
Nearby Visits
- Masjid an-Nabawi and Rawdah
- Jannat al-Baqi Cemetery
- Masjid al-Gamamah
- Masjid Abu Bakr (r.a)
- Masjid Umar (r.a)
- Masjid Ali (r.a)
Distant (General) Visits
- Mount Uhud and Martyrs' Cemetery
- Archers' Hill (Mount Aynayn)
- Masjid Quba
- Masjid al-Qiblatayn
- The Trench
Important Recommendations
- Take care to perform rituals with reverence and without rushing
- Carry a small prayer book and prayer beads
- Drink plenty of water, especially during Tawaf and Sa'i
- Be patient and tolerant with other Muslims
- Keep photography to a minimum during worship
- Don't use wireless earphones in the Haram area
- Keep valuable items in a secure place